Alright peeps. Here's the latest update on my life.
First off, I am not importing these posts to Facebook, at least for a little while. There have been several things on here that I haven't wanted on facebook that got on there accidentally so I'm not taking any more chances. In fact, this is one of those posts (though it's not too bad).
So first off, job search. I accepted Natchez. Yes I'm still looking for a full time job. But I'm THRILLED about the opportunity at Natchez.
Connecticut turned me down. That one actually hurt more than Michigan, because that job description was freaking WRITTEN for me. But I knew i hadn't gotten it - I'd applied in January and still hadn't heard, I got cut. Oh well their loss right? But here's the kicker. I got the "Thanks but no thanks" letter from them. But in that letter, they actually TOLD ME who the candidate was. Who does that?? First off, it made me go "Oh thanks, rub it in that they have something I don't, as if I didn't know". Second, I was like "You know, that's kinda scary - for all they know, I could be a crazy person, and now that I know who got the job, I could go stalk them and kill them and, at least in my mind, get the job". Now don't worry I'm not actually gonna do that. Cause I am not, in fact, a crazy person. But still... technically it could happen... Lastly, it'd be one thing if I had gotten an interview, gone through all the steps, and they told me who the other candidate they went with was. But I didn't. I got cut in the first round. This letter with the girl's info was sent to EVERYONE who applied - all 60+ people in the applicant pool. If I had gotten the job, I don't think I'd be comfortable with that. So yeah.
As for the rest of my life, things are pretty crazy. I'm still working on the book. Still working on the portrait gallery. Trying to survive my classes. OH and I'm planning my parents 30th wedding anniversary celebration (this is the main reason I don't want this on facebook - if anyone reads this and talks to them, DO NOT, I repeat DO NOT tell my mom. I want it to be at least a somewhat surprise). It's pretty amazing what can happen. I knew I would be able to figure out how to cover it financially, but I was nervous about how much the cost of planning a party would cut into the cushion I want to have in case I don't have a job in the fall. Then Natchez came along. So not only will I be able to cover Mom and Dad's celebration, BUT I'll still be able to stash away even more than I had thought and be OK should I not have a job in the fall. Isn't it amazing how things can work out like that?
So yeah. Things are good.
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Friday, March 12, 2010
So I don't know that anyone read my blog earlier and saw the post I had written about my life being up in the air, and not in a good George Clooney movie way. I deleted it cause it's not exactly the case anymore.
I got my answer. The full time job I had an interview for last month sent me a thanks but no thanks letter. Apparently I was in a pool of 60 qualified applicants and the whole pool's experience and education exceeded their expectations/requirements... and my app was good enough to get past that initial 20 second glance and get a phone interview. That's pretty darn good, especially when you consider this is a job that I didn't think I had any shot at but wanted to stick my hat in the ring anyway. So I'm pretty proud of myself. I'm doing the right thing and I'm on the right track. I've just gotta get past the phone interview to the face to face, and then the offer...
I'm bummed. But surprisingly enough I'm really OK. Seriously. I'm fine. And I'm not saying that because I'm trying to convince myself it's true. I'm saying it cause I'm in shock that it IS true. I thought I'd be really upset with a rejection. But instead I'm just like "Hm. Bummer. Ok whatever."
I think part of it is the fact that I heard from Natchez. Not only have they offered for me to come back for the summer, but they gave me a raise! I won't say how much but it's a really REALLY nice offer. AND my friends from last summer are coming back! AND I already have friends down there! AND I don't have to go through the waiting period of a background check this summer, which took seriously half of my time last summer - 5 weeks, cause it's good for 3-5 years, I can just start when I get down there. Granted it's not a permanent solution. But heck I am not gonna get a better offer on an internship than this! So yeah I'm happy!
So I decided to accept Natchez. Doesn't mean I'm giving up applying for full time jobs. Still looking. Still hoping. But I can't put off a decision on Natchez and more than likely I'm not gonna find a job right after graduation at this point, so better to have something lined up.
So that's my life. I'm pretty good with it.
How are you?
I got my answer. The full time job I had an interview for last month sent me a thanks but no thanks letter. Apparently I was in a pool of 60 qualified applicants and the whole pool's experience and education exceeded their expectations/requirements... and my app was good enough to get past that initial 20 second glance and get a phone interview. That's pretty darn good, especially when you consider this is a job that I didn't think I had any shot at but wanted to stick my hat in the ring anyway. So I'm pretty proud of myself. I'm doing the right thing and I'm on the right track. I've just gotta get past the phone interview to the face to face, and then the offer...
I'm bummed. But surprisingly enough I'm really OK. Seriously. I'm fine. And I'm not saying that because I'm trying to convince myself it's true. I'm saying it cause I'm in shock that it IS true. I thought I'd be really upset with a rejection. But instead I'm just like "Hm. Bummer. Ok whatever."
I think part of it is the fact that I heard from Natchez. Not only have they offered for me to come back for the summer, but they gave me a raise! I won't say how much but it's a really REALLY nice offer. AND my friends from last summer are coming back! AND I already have friends down there! AND I don't have to go through the waiting period of a background check this summer, which took seriously half of my time last summer - 5 weeks, cause it's good for 3-5 years, I can just start when I get down there. Granted it's not a permanent solution. But heck I am not gonna get a better offer on an internship than this! So yeah I'm happy!
So I decided to accept Natchez. Doesn't mean I'm giving up applying for full time jobs. Still looking. Still hoping. But I can't put off a decision on Natchez and more than likely I'm not gonna find a job right after graduation at this point, so better to have something lined up.
So that's my life. I'm pretty good with it.
How are you?
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Oscar winners
Alright the much promised and maybe not so anticipated post on the Oscar winners is here!
So the Oscars turned out pretty much how I expected. Here are my thoughts on the winners.
Best Supporting Actor - Christoph Waltz
I haven't seen Inglorious Basterds. Well I take that back. I've seen the first few minutes of the first scene. Just up to the point where you see someone hiding under the floor. That's it. Yes I know. I need to see it. Apparently he's amazing in it. He's good in those few minutes. So I'm OK with this.
Best Supporting Actress - Mo'Nique
I'm TOTALLY happy about this! I wasn't a big fan of Precious to be honest. I thought Gabourey Sidibe had her moments of good. But overall I thought the movie was way too depressing and kinda slow. However, that's not true of Mo'Nique. She absolutely MADE that movie. She's a total monster in it but she's FABULOUS. There is definitely no one else that could have played Mary Jones like she did. I say well done baby!
Best Actor - Jeff Bridges
Yeah no surprise. I haven't seen Crazy Heart, at least not more than the first few minutes, but everyone says he's awesome. Friends have said he really does do a fabulous job portraying an alcoholic. So I guess I say he deserved it. Personally I was rooting for Morgan Freeman, who serious WAS Nelson Mandela, or George Clooney who was awesome in Up in the Air. I guess I have to see Crazy Heart to really judge Bridges.
Best Actress - Sandra Bullock.
Hmmm. I dunno. I saw the Blind Side and she's GOOD. I'm not saying she did a horrible job. She was really good in the role. But I don't think she really deserved an Oscar for it, at least not with her competition. I don't know. I just felt like another actresses could have played the role and still done a good job, whereas there were other actresses in the category who you couldn't say that about. Gabourey Sidibe, for example - she may not have been awesome the WHOLE time in Precious but she had her moments and I still say no one else could have played the role the way she did. There were also 2 actresses who truly MADE their movies. Carey Mulligan in An Education - NO ONE else could have played that role, and the movie would not have been as good without her. And of course, Meryl Streep - are you kidding? That woman seriously WAS Julia Child!! The movie definitely, DEFINITELY would have been terrible without Meryl as Julia, at least in my opinion. So to me, the ones who deserve the Oscar are the ones where you can say "Those actresses MADE that movie and no one else could have played that part", not someone who you say "Wow she was good. But she didn't make the movie. Another actress could have played the part".
That said, I absolutely LOVED Sandra Bullock's speech. It was fabulous. As was her dress.
Best Director - Kathryn Bigelow
WOOHOO! I was excited she won. She did a great job directing The Hurt Locker. Plus, Barbara, a former nominee, got to give it to the first woman to ever win Best Director. But here's why I loved it so much. She was sitting right in front of her ex-husband James Cameron. I don't care that their friends. I kept waiting for her to turn around to him and go "SUCK IT" or at the very least get up there and go "I"M QUEEN OF THE WORLD!"
Although it would've been funny to see what James Cameron would do to top "I"m King of the World" in his speech. My bet - "I'm King of ANOTHER World!"
Best Picture - The Hurt Locker
You know I'm really and truly ok/happy with this. I loved Avatar. I thought Avatar was amazing. But The Hurt Locker is a pretty fabulous movie. And it really sticks with you and makes you think. Plus it's nice to see a small movie win over gigantic stuff.
Not to mention I LOVED when the cast got up there and the guys were jumping on each other. So cute :-)
That's my thoughts on the Oscar winners. What do you think?
So the Oscars turned out pretty much how I expected. Here are my thoughts on the winners.
Best Supporting Actor - Christoph Waltz
I haven't seen Inglorious Basterds. Well I take that back. I've seen the first few minutes of the first scene. Just up to the point where you see someone hiding under the floor. That's it. Yes I know. I need to see it. Apparently he's amazing in it. He's good in those few minutes. So I'm OK with this.
Best Supporting Actress - Mo'Nique
I'm TOTALLY happy about this! I wasn't a big fan of Precious to be honest. I thought Gabourey Sidibe had her moments of good. But overall I thought the movie was way too depressing and kinda slow. However, that's not true of Mo'Nique. She absolutely MADE that movie. She's a total monster in it but she's FABULOUS. There is definitely no one else that could have played Mary Jones like she did. I say well done baby!
Best Actor - Jeff Bridges
Yeah no surprise. I haven't seen Crazy Heart, at least not more than the first few minutes, but everyone says he's awesome. Friends have said he really does do a fabulous job portraying an alcoholic. So I guess I say he deserved it. Personally I was rooting for Morgan Freeman, who serious WAS Nelson Mandela, or George Clooney who was awesome in Up in the Air. I guess I have to see Crazy Heart to really judge Bridges.
Best Actress - Sandra Bullock.
Hmmm. I dunno. I saw the Blind Side and she's GOOD. I'm not saying she did a horrible job. She was really good in the role. But I don't think she really deserved an Oscar for it, at least not with her competition. I don't know. I just felt like another actresses could have played the role and still done a good job, whereas there were other actresses in the category who you couldn't say that about. Gabourey Sidibe, for example - she may not have been awesome the WHOLE time in Precious but she had her moments and I still say no one else could have played the role the way she did. There were also 2 actresses who truly MADE their movies. Carey Mulligan in An Education - NO ONE else could have played that role, and the movie would not have been as good without her. And of course, Meryl Streep - are you kidding? That woman seriously WAS Julia Child!! The movie definitely, DEFINITELY would have been terrible without Meryl as Julia, at least in my opinion. So to me, the ones who deserve the Oscar are the ones where you can say "Those actresses MADE that movie and no one else could have played that part", not someone who you say "Wow she was good. But she didn't make the movie. Another actress could have played the part".
That said, I absolutely LOVED Sandra Bullock's speech. It was fabulous. As was her dress.
Best Director - Kathryn Bigelow
WOOHOO! I was excited she won. She did a great job directing The Hurt Locker. Plus, Barbara, a former nominee, got to give it to the first woman to ever win Best Director. But here's why I loved it so much. She was sitting right in front of her ex-husband James Cameron. I don't care that their friends. I kept waiting for her to turn around to him and go "SUCK IT" or at the very least get up there and go "I"M QUEEN OF THE WORLD!"
Although it would've been funny to see what James Cameron would do to top "I"m King of the World" in his speech. My bet - "I'm King of ANOTHER World!"
Best Picture - The Hurt Locker
You know I'm really and truly ok/happy with this. I loved Avatar. I thought Avatar was amazing. But The Hurt Locker is a pretty fabulous movie. And it really sticks with you and makes you think. Plus it's nice to see a small movie win over gigantic stuff.
Not to mention I LOVED when the cast got up there and the guys were jumping on each other. So cute :-)
That's my thoughts on the Oscar winners. What do you think?
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
OK I promise I'll post my thoughts on the Oscar winners at some point. But after last night I felt compelled to blog about this.
As most of you (maybe all though maybe not) probably know, I'm a BIG musical theater fan. I blame Emily - she's done theater since she was 5, I was the younger sister who had to be just like her older sister, so I did too. I LOVE musicals. I love Rent. I love Les Miz. I love Wicked. I love Hairspray. I love A New Brain. I love Legally Blonde: The Musical. I love Altar Boyz. I love Mary Poppins. I love Pump Boys and Dinettes. I love Spamalot and Avenue Q. The list goes on and on and on! One of my favorites is definitely Phantom of the Opera. It's a classic. SUCH beautiful music (I ADORE All I Ask of You and am still jealous that Emily had it at her wedding cause now I may not be able to use it). Wonderful story. Beautiful dancing at parts. Just... awesome. And the way it ends is sad and yet right and good and just... I don't even know what to say besides well done Andrew Lloyd Webber!
Well now the sequel craze has apparently hit Broadway. Andrew Lloyd Webber has written a sequel to Phantom of the Opera. It's called Love Never Dies. Now upon first hearing about it, I thought ick but then OOOH maybe we'll finally find out what happens after the Phantom disappears! But then I rad the plot on Wikipedia. Here's a cliffs notes version. I'll try not to spoil the ending -
It's 10 years after Phantom of the Opera. Madame Giry and Meg, who has gone from Christine's sweet little ballet dancer friend who sings the "Where in the world have you been hiding" part in Angel of Music to a slutty can can dancer called the "Ooh La La girl", work at Phantasma in CONEY ISLAND, run by Mr. Y. Mr. Y is the Phantom. Meg wants the Phantom to notice her every time she sluts it up on stage. He doesn't because he's still in love with Christine. He invites Christine and her family to Coney Island so Christine can sing. They show up, Christine and Raoul now have a 10 year old son, Gustave. Raoul is a drunk. Christine and the Phantom meet again and recall a night, just before Christine's wedding to the man the Phantom sent her off with, when they thought they could be together... and were... bam chicka wah wah... Could the Phantom actually be the father of Christine's son??? The Phantom shows up as a bartender to a schwasted Raoul and bets him that Christine will sing, and if she does then Raoul has to leave, but if she doesn't then the Phantom will pay off all of Raoul's debts (gathered from Raoul always getting schwasted). Will she sing? Won't she? Will Meg's insane jealousy separate the two lovers once again? Find out in... LOVE NEVER DIES.
I'm sorry. This is not Phantom. This is a SOAP OPERA. And that's pretty sad, considering it's coming from someone who has been addicted to soaps since kindergarten.
Now admittedly I have not seen the show. It could be really good. But the plot just makes me go "Seriously?" Plus I heard some of the music on youtube - "Till I hear you sing" and "Love never dies". It's pretty. I'm still wanting to hear Meg's song "Bathing Beauty" which is apparently a big belter Vaudeville number. But from what I've heard, the songs are no "Phantom of the Opera" or "Music of the Night" or "All I ask of you" or "Past the point of no return" or even the simple "Angel of Music"! Also, apparently the climactic aria "Love Never Dies" is a RECYCLED melody. Come on Andrew, let's be original!
Anyway that's my rant. The end.
In other news, Nantucket said no. That's OK. Still waiting on others. Still applying. Here's hoping for something.
I promise I'll post my thoughts on Oscar winners soon
As most of you (maybe all though maybe not) probably know, I'm a BIG musical theater fan. I blame Emily - she's done theater since she was 5, I was the younger sister who had to be just like her older sister, so I did too. I LOVE musicals. I love Rent. I love Les Miz. I love Wicked. I love Hairspray. I love A New Brain. I love Legally Blonde: The Musical. I love Altar Boyz. I love Mary Poppins. I love Pump Boys and Dinettes. I love Spamalot and Avenue Q. The list goes on and on and on! One of my favorites is definitely Phantom of the Opera. It's a classic. SUCH beautiful music (I ADORE All I Ask of You and am still jealous that Emily had it at her wedding cause now I may not be able to use it). Wonderful story. Beautiful dancing at parts. Just... awesome. And the way it ends is sad and yet right and good and just... I don't even know what to say besides well done Andrew Lloyd Webber!
Well now the sequel craze has apparently hit Broadway. Andrew Lloyd Webber has written a sequel to Phantom of the Opera. It's called Love Never Dies. Now upon first hearing about it, I thought ick but then OOOH maybe we'll finally find out what happens after the Phantom disappears! But then I rad the plot on Wikipedia. Here's a cliffs notes version. I'll try not to spoil the ending -
It's 10 years after Phantom of the Opera. Madame Giry and Meg, who has gone from Christine's sweet little ballet dancer friend who sings the "Where in the world have you been hiding" part in Angel of Music to a slutty can can dancer called the "Ooh La La girl", work at Phantasma in CONEY ISLAND, run by Mr. Y. Mr. Y is the Phantom. Meg wants the Phantom to notice her every time she sluts it up on stage. He doesn't because he's still in love with Christine. He invites Christine and her family to Coney Island so Christine can sing. They show up, Christine and Raoul now have a 10 year old son, Gustave. Raoul is a drunk. Christine and the Phantom meet again and recall a night, just before Christine's wedding to the man the Phantom sent her off with, when they thought they could be together... and were... bam chicka wah wah... Could the Phantom actually be the father of Christine's son??? The Phantom shows up as a bartender to a schwasted Raoul and bets him that Christine will sing, and if she does then Raoul has to leave, but if she doesn't then the Phantom will pay off all of Raoul's debts (gathered from Raoul always getting schwasted). Will she sing? Won't she? Will Meg's insane jealousy separate the two lovers once again? Find out in... LOVE NEVER DIES.
I'm sorry. This is not Phantom. This is a SOAP OPERA. And that's pretty sad, considering it's coming from someone who has been addicted to soaps since kindergarten.
Now admittedly I have not seen the show. It could be really good. But the plot just makes me go "Seriously?" Plus I heard some of the music on youtube - "Till I hear you sing" and "Love never dies". It's pretty. I'm still wanting to hear Meg's song "Bathing Beauty" which is apparently a big belter Vaudeville number. But from what I've heard, the songs are no "Phantom of the Opera" or "Music of the Night" or "All I ask of you" or "Past the point of no return" or even the simple "Angel of Music"! Also, apparently the climactic aria "Love Never Dies" is a RECYCLED melody. Come on Andrew, let's be original!
Anyway that's my rant. The end.
In other news, Nantucket said no. That's OK. Still waiting on others. Still applying. Here's hoping for something.
I promise I'll post my thoughts on Oscar winners soon
Monday, March 8, 2010
The Oscars - Worst dressed
So I covered the best dressed. Now these are the ones that weren't quite so hott, from those that just missed the mark to the ones that made me go WHAT WERE YOU THINKING?
The first 9 are in no particular order, last 3 are. I'm going to be pretty harsh in this post. But they opened themselves up to it. Bear with me it's all in good fun.
- Carey Mulligan

I REALLY hate putting this girl on here cause I absolutely adore her. She's FABULOUS in an education. I love her short blonde hair (hmm I wonder why) and I just think she's great. But this dress just doesn't do it for me. I think it'd be beautiful if it went all the way to the floor, but the way it comes up and stops doesn't look right. now I love the top of the dress, and her short hair with the long, HOT earrings is awesome. But that bottom coming up is just... weird... My mom and I disagree on this. She loved it, I'm not a fan.
- Miley Cyrus

Another one that just misses the mark. At first glance I loved this dress. It is very age appropriate and with a few changes it would really make her look like a princess. But upon closer inspection I wasn't a fan. The bust line is too low for her, so she looks like she's constantly slouching. That just ruins it for me.
- Kate Winslet

This whole outfit ends up as a mismatch of wrong. The top looks like it SHOULD be separate from the bottom like that weird pink prom dress the girl wears in 10 things I hate about you, but it's all one piece, which makes it weird. I think if it transitioned at the hips better it'd be much better. The color isn't that great on Kate Winslet either. Plus she's wearing GOLD JEWELRY with a silver dress - big no no!
- Elinor Burkett, or "Lady Kanye" as she's now being called

I'm sorry. Since when is it OK to wear a MOO-MOO to the Academy Awards?!?! This pic doesn't show it all but trust me - it was a moo-moo. Not to mention that it is NEVER OK to interrupt someone's speech, even if you did produce the movie. Did we learn NOTHING from Kanye West people?
- Jennifer Lopez

Well as long as we're wearing moo-moos, why not just cover ourselves in BUBBLE WRAP for the oscars? Cause that's exactly what JLO looks like. On the red carpet, in the sun, the fabric didn't look so bad. But she got on stage and we realized it seriously looks like BUBBLE WRAP. Plus there's just WAY too much of it. If it had stopped on the side it would've been fun but this things like the energizer bunny - it just keeps going and going and going...
- Vera Farmiga

Yet another energizer bunny dress... OK I love her in Up in the Air (even though I was sad with the twist cause it involved the house of two good friends of my family...). But what is this dress? I get that ruffles are in but at some point you've got to know when to STOP. It wouldn't be so bad if the top was straight or just detailed and the bottom was like that, ala Demi Moore or Elizabeth Banks. But all together? As Elizabeth Hasselbeck said, it's like mitochondria all over her!
- Diane Kruger

Another dress that WOULD be gorgeous if they had just stopped. If it was just a high necked all 1 fabric type thing, maybe with 1 line across it, it'd be at least OK if not beautiful. But this thing just has way too much going on, it's like they couldn't decide which design to use! Not to mention it really cuts her into 3 pieces in a very unflattering way, and makes her butt look big with all the ruffles on it. Not your best Diane.
- Barbara Streisand

This was definitely not a "Hello gorgeous" night for Barbara. I absolutely love that she got to present Best Director to Kathryn Bigelow, the 1st female director to win an Oscar, since Barbara was nominated for Prince of Tides (thank you SNL's coffee talk for teaching me that). But this outfit, which you can't get the full effect of in this pic so just trust me, was so bad. I like the mens wear look. But this was just too casual and not good. Oh Babs. Maybe some of the "people" that you need are new stylists.
- Charlize Theron

God there were SO many dresses that would be beautiful if not for just a few things - this is another example. The dress' cut and color is gorgeous. But what's up with the roses right over her boobs?? As my friend's mom said, "Is she lactating?"
And now the 3 worst of the night, in my opinion:
3. Faith Hill

I didn't even see this one on the red carpet until the best and worst dressed lists
today. And you don't get the full hideousness in this pic. It's so bad! She looks like a goth prom queen! Honey you are going to the Oscars, where the movie you're hubby's in is up for Best Picture - this is not OK! Oh Mississippi girl, you could've done so much better.
2. Zoe Saldana

The random sparkles down to bright purple is bad enough. But then the star of Avatar had to skin a muppet in order to make her dress. LEAVE THE MUPPETS ALONE! Seriously though... this dress is just... wrong...
And the worst dressed of the night... drumroll please...

Oh SJP! Honey what were you thinking! I love her, I adore Sex and the City, but Carrie Bradshaw would be so disappointed. I get that she was trying to go for the grecian look. And I guess the dress is pretty cool in the back. But from the front it looks like a giant yellow bag, or a pillow case. And her makeup is terrible. I applaud Sarah Jessica Parker for not getting plastic surgery and instead aging gracefully. I think she was incredibly courageous in the first Sex and the City movie to be shown without any makeup on at all at one point. I also realize she has 3kids and is in her 40s. But she looks TIRED. ON OSCAR NIGHT. Not acceptable. Then there's the hair - it's bigger than her head! And you made millions from Sex and the City, plus your husband's Matthew Broderick - couldn't you afford to buy some hairspray so you wouldn't have fly aways on the red carpet? Overall this was just terrible in my opinion. This to me was the worst of the night.
Here's a shocker - my mom LOVED that dress. What can you do?
Honorable mention - Sigourney Weaver (I left her off cause a guy stepped on her dress. There's no point in adding to the shame). Antonio Banderas - Antonio you used to be so sexy, couldn't you SHAVE for the Oscars? Amanda Seyfried - another bubble wrap number. And Molly Ringwald - not a total disaster but bad.
My thoughts on the winners later!
The first 9 are in no particular order, last 3 are. I'm going to be pretty harsh in this post. But they opened themselves up to it. Bear with me it's all in good fun.
- Carey Mulligan

I REALLY hate putting this girl on here cause I absolutely adore her. She's FABULOUS in an education. I love her short blonde hair (hmm I wonder why) and I just think she's great. But this dress just doesn't do it for me. I think it'd be beautiful if it went all the way to the floor, but the way it comes up and stops doesn't look right. now I love the top of the dress, and her short hair with the long, HOT earrings is awesome. But that bottom coming up is just... weird... My mom and I disagree on this. She loved it, I'm not a fan.
- Miley Cyrus

Another one that just misses the mark. At first glance I loved this dress. It is very age appropriate and with a few changes it would really make her look like a princess. But upon closer inspection I wasn't a fan. The bust line is too low for her, so she looks like she's constantly slouching. That just ruins it for me.
- Kate Winslet

This whole outfit ends up as a mismatch of wrong. The top looks like it SHOULD be separate from the bottom like that weird pink prom dress the girl wears in 10 things I hate about you, but it's all one piece, which makes it weird. I think if it transitioned at the hips better it'd be much better. The color isn't that great on Kate Winslet either. Plus she's wearing GOLD JEWELRY with a silver dress - big no no!
- Elinor Burkett, or "Lady Kanye" as she's now being called

I'm sorry. Since when is it OK to wear a MOO-MOO to the Academy Awards?!?! This pic doesn't show it all but trust me - it was a moo-moo. Not to mention that it is NEVER OK to interrupt someone's speech, even if you did produce the movie. Did we learn NOTHING from Kanye West people?
- Jennifer Lopez

Well as long as we're wearing moo-moos, why not just cover ourselves in BUBBLE WRAP for the oscars? Cause that's exactly what JLO looks like. On the red carpet, in the sun, the fabric didn't look so bad. But she got on stage and we realized it seriously looks like BUBBLE WRAP. Plus there's just WAY too much of it. If it had stopped on the side it would've been fun but this things like the energizer bunny - it just keeps going and going and going...
- Vera Farmiga

Yet another energizer bunny dress... OK I love her in Up in the Air (even though I was sad with the twist cause it involved the house of two good friends of my family...). But what is this dress? I get that ruffles are in but at some point you've got to know when to STOP. It wouldn't be so bad if the top was straight or just detailed and the bottom was like that, ala Demi Moore or Elizabeth Banks. But all together? As Elizabeth Hasselbeck said, it's like mitochondria all over her!
- Diane Kruger

Another dress that WOULD be gorgeous if they had just stopped. If it was just a high necked all 1 fabric type thing, maybe with 1 line across it, it'd be at least OK if not beautiful. But this thing just has way too much going on, it's like they couldn't decide which design to use! Not to mention it really cuts her into 3 pieces in a very unflattering way, and makes her butt look big with all the ruffles on it. Not your best Diane.
- Barbara Streisand

This was definitely not a "Hello gorgeous" night for Barbara. I absolutely love that she got to present Best Director to Kathryn Bigelow, the 1st female director to win an Oscar, since Barbara was nominated for Prince of Tides (thank you SNL's coffee talk for teaching me that). But this outfit, which you can't get the full effect of in this pic so just trust me, was so bad. I like the mens wear look. But this was just too casual and not good. Oh Babs. Maybe some of the "people" that you need are new stylists.
- Charlize Theron

God there were SO many dresses that would be beautiful if not for just a few things - this is another example. The dress' cut and color is gorgeous. But what's up with the roses right over her boobs?? As my friend's mom said, "Is she lactating?"
And now the 3 worst of the night, in my opinion:
3. Faith Hill

I didn't even see this one on the red carpet until the best and worst dressed lists
today. And you don't get the full hideousness in this pic. It's so bad! She looks like a goth prom queen! Honey you are going to the Oscars, where the movie you're hubby's in is up for Best Picture - this is not OK! Oh Mississippi girl, you could've done so much better.
2. Zoe Saldana

The random sparkles down to bright purple is bad enough. But then the star of Avatar had to skin a muppet in order to make her dress. LEAVE THE MUPPETS ALONE! Seriously though... this dress is just... wrong...
And the worst dressed of the night... drumroll please...

Oh SJP! Honey what were you thinking! I love her, I adore Sex and the City, but Carrie Bradshaw would be so disappointed. I get that she was trying to go for the grecian look. And I guess the dress is pretty cool in the back. But from the front it looks like a giant yellow bag, or a pillow case. And her makeup is terrible. I applaud Sarah Jessica Parker for not getting plastic surgery and instead aging gracefully. I think she was incredibly courageous in the first Sex and the City movie to be shown without any makeup on at all at one point. I also realize she has 3kids and is in her 40s. But she looks TIRED. ON OSCAR NIGHT. Not acceptable. Then there's the hair - it's bigger than her head! And you made millions from Sex and the City, plus your husband's Matthew Broderick - couldn't you afford to buy some hairspray so you wouldn't have fly aways on the red carpet? Overall this was just terrible in my opinion. This to me was the worst of the night.
Here's a shocker - my mom LOVED that dress. What can you do?
Honorable mention - Sigourney Weaver (I left her off cause a guy stepped on her dress. There's no point in adding to the shame). Antonio Banderas - Antonio you used to be so sexy, couldn't you SHAVE for the Oscars? Amanda Seyfried - another bubble wrap number. And Molly Ringwald - not a total disaster but bad.
My thoughts on the winners later!
The oscars - best dressed
Hey peeps! I'm back. Things are still crazy. I'm still looking for a job. But everything'll work out in the end.
But that's not what I"m talking about in this post. This post is about my take on the Oscars! I'm doing 3 posts about this - best dressed, worst dressed, and my thoughts on the winners. This is best dressed. I picked a bunch of looks I liked a lot,and then 1 that I think was the best of the night.
These are in no particular order:
- Kristen Stewart

She looks GORGEOUS. Though in this shot she needs to stop slouching. And she could definiely use some more makeup and a nice necklace - see Mariska Hargitay for an example (she was beautiful but I think Kristen takes it before her personally)
- Sandra Bullock

When I first saw this dress on the red carpet, the shadow made it look way more see through than it is and I thought you could see her bra, causing me to go "Oh Sandra,what were you thinking!!" But it grew on me over the night and when she won (which I'll talk about later) I liked it. I had even gotten used to the pink lipstick.
- Maggie Gyllenhaal

Speaking of bright pink lipstick... but overall I have to say WELL DONE MAGGIE GYLLENHAAL. She took a risk and pulled it off beautifully, I love it.
- Anna Kendrick

You know a lot of people are putting her on the worst dresesed list. But I think this little girl (who did a FAN-flipping-TASTIC job in Up in the Air) looks GORGEOUS, especially when you compare it to costar Vera Farmiga's ruffled disaster. Plus I read she was gonna wear a blue dress and changed her mind at the last minute, not sure if she just wanted to wear something else or if something happened to the other dress. But I think she looks great.
- Queen Latifah

This isn't a very good shot of the dress. But I thought Queen Latifah looked classy and fabulous. She showed off her curves without looking big. I loved it.
- Helen Mirren

From one Queen to another. Helen Mirren looks AWESOME. She looks age appropriate without looking frumpy (which some of my friends accused Meryl Streep of looking, see below). She really shines and just looks fabulous.
- Gabourey Sidibe

I'm sorry, but how cute is she? She's got so much spunk and sass and looks awesome. Plus considering she skipped school to try out for Precious on a whim, got the part, and was up against MERYL FREAKING STREEP, who has inspired musical numbers (think of Meryl Streep in Fame), for an Oscar... that's pretty awesome. I love that she just loves herself so much, especially when you contrast who she is with her character. She just looks so happy and awesome.
- Meryl Streep

The woman/icon herself. My friends and I were divided on this. Some hated it. Some thought it could have been better. I liked it personally. It's not my favorite. There are different things that could've been better (having it be more of a true wrap for instance). But it's certainly not as bad as some of the others out there, especially on more experienced actresses (cough SJP cough cough). And considering her age (sorry Meryl but it's true) I say well done. Now she's no Helen Mirren on this night but I still think she looked awesome.
- Rachel McAdams

This one didn't get much recognition, and the shot's not that good of her cause she looks like she's sticking her gut out here, but I think she just looks AWESOME. The pattern is nice without being overpowering, it's got some color (what was with all the nude dresses?) and she just looks fabulous
- Tina Fey

At first I thought the dress was leopard print. But like Sandra Bullocks, it grew on me and by the end of the night I loved it. I think Tina looks great. And FINALLY a non poofy dress!
- Kathryn Bigelow

The woman of the night! Speaking of non poofy dresses. I LOVE this dress. However, she does look kinda uncomfortable in it - maybe she was too tightly taped into the thing.
- Elizabeth Banks

Again not a very good shot. But I loved this dress. And if you're gonna do ruffles, THIS is the way to do it.
- Penelope Cruz

First presenter of the night, and in my opinion she wowed. I loved this dress. It was a GREAT pop of color. And while I wasn't sure about the a-symmetrical neckline at first, I think she just looks great overall. Shot's not too good cause the bottom looks wrinkled in it, but I like it.
And my number 1 pick. Drumroll please...

Oh man. What can you say. GORGEOUS. PERFECTION. Now if you're gonna do the 30s style with the big slit and all the ruffles that seemed so popular YOU DO IT LIKE THIS (Zoe Saldana PLEASE TAKE NOTES). Some detail at the top, lots of stuff at the bottom without being too much. A great color - one of the few nude dresses I really liked. Just AWESOME. WAY TO GO DEMI!
Honorable mention - Monique. I felt I just had to cut the list off somewhere so she didn't make it. But the woman did look fabulous! Another honorable mention is the girl in yellow that was escorting everyone off stage.
That's my thoughts on the best dressed at the oscars. Agree? Disagree? I'll post worst dressed and my thoughts on the winners later. Right now I've gotta get dressed to go shopping with Mom. So for now that's all folks!
But that's not what I"m talking about in this post. This post is about my take on the Oscars! I'm doing 3 posts about this - best dressed, worst dressed, and my thoughts on the winners. This is best dressed. I picked a bunch of looks I liked a lot,and then 1 that I think was the best of the night.
These are in no particular order:
- Kristen Stewart

She looks GORGEOUS. Though in this shot she needs to stop slouching. And she could definiely use some more makeup and a nice necklace - see Mariska Hargitay for an example (she was beautiful but I think Kristen takes it before her personally)
- Sandra Bullock

When I first saw this dress on the red carpet, the shadow made it look way more see through than it is and I thought you could see her bra, causing me to go "Oh Sandra,what were you thinking!!" But it grew on me over the night and when she won (which I'll talk about later) I liked it. I had even gotten used to the pink lipstick.
- Maggie Gyllenhaal

Speaking of bright pink lipstick... but overall I have to say WELL DONE MAGGIE GYLLENHAAL. She took a risk and pulled it off beautifully, I love it.
- Anna Kendrick

You know a lot of people are putting her on the worst dresesed list. But I think this little girl (who did a FAN-flipping-TASTIC job in Up in the Air) looks GORGEOUS, especially when you compare it to costar Vera Farmiga's ruffled disaster. Plus I read she was gonna wear a blue dress and changed her mind at the last minute, not sure if she just wanted to wear something else or if something happened to the other dress. But I think she looks great.
- Queen Latifah

This isn't a very good shot of the dress. But I thought Queen Latifah looked classy and fabulous. She showed off her curves without looking big. I loved it.
- Helen Mirren

From one Queen to another. Helen Mirren looks AWESOME. She looks age appropriate without looking frumpy (which some of my friends accused Meryl Streep of looking, see below). She really shines and just looks fabulous.
- Gabourey Sidibe

I'm sorry, but how cute is she? She's got so much spunk and sass and looks awesome. Plus considering she skipped school to try out for Precious on a whim, got the part, and was up against MERYL FREAKING STREEP, who has inspired musical numbers (think of Meryl Streep in Fame), for an Oscar... that's pretty awesome. I love that she just loves herself so much, especially when you contrast who she is with her character. She just looks so happy and awesome.
- Meryl Streep

The woman/icon herself. My friends and I were divided on this. Some hated it. Some thought it could have been better. I liked it personally. It's not my favorite. There are different things that could've been better (having it be more of a true wrap for instance). But it's certainly not as bad as some of the others out there, especially on more experienced actresses (cough SJP cough cough). And considering her age (sorry Meryl but it's true) I say well done. Now she's no Helen Mirren on this night but I still think she looked awesome.
- Rachel McAdams

This one didn't get much recognition, and the shot's not that good of her cause she looks like she's sticking her gut out here, but I think she just looks AWESOME. The pattern is nice without being overpowering, it's got some color (what was with all the nude dresses?) and she just looks fabulous
- Tina Fey

At first I thought the dress was leopard print. But like Sandra Bullocks, it grew on me and by the end of the night I loved it. I think Tina looks great. And FINALLY a non poofy dress!
- Kathryn Bigelow

The woman of the night! Speaking of non poofy dresses. I LOVE this dress. However, she does look kinda uncomfortable in it - maybe she was too tightly taped into the thing.
- Elizabeth Banks

Again not a very good shot. But I loved this dress. And if you're gonna do ruffles, THIS is the way to do it.
- Penelope Cruz

First presenter of the night, and in my opinion she wowed. I loved this dress. It was a GREAT pop of color. And while I wasn't sure about the a-symmetrical neckline at first, I think she just looks great overall. Shot's not too good cause the bottom looks wrinkled in it, but I like it.
And my number 1 pick. Drumroll please...

Oh man. What can you say. GORGEOUS. PERFECTION. Now if you're gonna do the 30s style with the big slit and all the ruffles that seemed so popular YOU DO IT LIKE THIS (Zoe Saldana PLEASE TAKE NOTES). Some detail at the top, lots of stuff at the bottom without being too much. A great color - one of the few nude dresses I really liked. Just AWESOME. WAY TO GO DEMI!
Honorable mention - Monique. I felt I just had to cut the list off somewhere so she didn't make it. But the woman did look fabulous! Another honorable mention is the girl in yellow that was escorting everyone off stage.
That's my thoughts on the best dressed at the oscars. Agree? Disagree? I'll post worst dressed and my thoughts on the winners later. Right now I've gotta get dressed to go shopping with Mom. So for now that's all folks!
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