Sunday, August 29, 2010

The long promised and much anticipated update

Ok ok. So those of you who still read this blog are probably wondering what is going on in my life since my euphoric "I got a job!!!" post. Here's the deal.

Yes I do have a job. I am the Program Coordinator at the Edsel and Eleanor Ford House, just outside of Detroit, MI. Technically, it's in Grosse Pointe Shores, part of Grosse Pointe, a suburb of Detroit. It is absolutely beautiful and I can't wait to get up there and start working with the education programs! This is an amazing opportunity. I have been truly blessed.

Secondly, I found my apartment in Grosse Pointe on Tuesday. It's in Grosse Pointe Park, bout 15-20 minutes from the museum. It's a SUPER CUTE little first floor apartment in a two family hosue built somewhere between the 20s and 40s (I think it's the 20s cause it's very craftsman style, but the ad on Craigslist says 1940s...). It's a 2 bedroom, so I will have an office/guest room, complete with a futon. White leather futon. Oh yeah baby. It's awesome. I also got a new couch and chair - I love the brown couch I have now, very comfy, but VERY VERY heavy and bulky... not fun to move... so I am leaving that to my roomie in STL and instead bought a blue leather couch anc chair at Weekend's only. Very very cute, very 1950s "I love Lucy" ish. I love them, perfect for me!

Thirdly, I got a puppy!!!!! Some of you may be wondering why I would get a puppy when I talk about Captain/Mr. Bixby so much on here. Here's the deal. I love Bixby with all my heart. No matter what, he will probably always be my favorite dog and definitely have a special place in my heart. But Bixby is almost 9 years old. He's had some health troubles (had to have 6 teeth removed this summer). He also is very much a family dog and really belongs in this house in STL. I can't take him away from that. And, since I am living by myself, I wanted someone to come home too. Thus, I got Robin. Robin is my new 11 week (ok 12 week as of tomorrow) half dachshund, half black-lab mix. Yes, you read that right - she is a dachsador (a new designer breed... although she was not designed, she was an accident on a farm...). She will probably get to be about 30-35 lbs, perfect size for an apartment dog. Super smart (she's already learned to sit on command and we're working on "Stay", "Come", and potty training - thus far very few accidents!), very very sweet, very laid back and calm though she can be active too. Perfect dog for me and Detroit. For those wondering, I named her Robin because my apartment is on Nottingham. So she's Robin of the Hood :-)

Finally, for those wondering, Daddy and I are driving up to Detroit on September 4. Yes, this Saturday. So if you're in STL and have not seen me yet, contact me ASAP to hang out. But be warned, you may see a very stressed out Katherine. I have a WHOLE heck of a lot of packing to do. I'm a little worried I'll be going to work with bald spots from pulling my hair out...

So that's the update. By the way, there is a chance I will be shutting this blog down and starting a new one. Since I got the job, I really want to keep everything about work off of the internet and keep things fun and professional at the same time. Not sure I quite did that here as well as I should have. BUT I will absolutely post the link to the new blog whenever it is up.

So for all those STL friends that read this - thank you! I love you and I am going to miss you all so much!!!!

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