I'm thankful for... my old school friends Meagan and Effie!
Note when I say old school, I mean we went to school together years ago, not that "they're old school" :-)

2. Effie. Yeah I didn't have a pic of me and Effie together (BTW this needs to be remedied IMMEDIATELY) so I picked a super cute pic of her in Europe eating quiche. Effie and I grew up together, literally - we went to elementary school at Robinson together till the 3rd grade, then did a couple shows together (Effie do you remember you, me, and Ariel Simon singing "I'm too sexy for my fishing pole" during Steamboatin?). We lost touch for a while but got back in touch when I reconnected with her sister Emma who went to SEA for a few years/during the rage of AIM (it was pretty new at the time) in HS. Lost touch again until the summer after I graduated when our mom's ran into each other and we realized we were both in STL. Grabbed coffee together... fast forward a year and we're close friends again. Effie's such a great friend cause she knows where I and my family have been and understands where I'm at right now, cause she's there too in a lot of ways. I always look forward to coffee or happy hour or open mic night with Effie!! LOVE YOU GIRL!
Just wanted to say thanks for all the memories you two have given me over the years! I love both of you, and we need to hang out more!!!!
Check the blog later today to see who ELSE I'm thankful for - part 3 in the series!
BTW, if there are any girls in ST. Louis that are looking for something to do the night before Thanksgiving, call me - there's a preview night for the new restaurant in Lafayette Square across from Mom's shop where Soda Fountain Square used to be. It's gonna be run by local fire fighters and they're families... but some of them are single and probably hott... I know at least one is cause he came in last night... come on, we can scope out local hott fire fighters, how fun is that!
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