I'm thankful for... all the opportunities I've had over the years and the people I've met there.
I'm thankful I got to spend a year in Oxford. I'm thankful during that time I got to travel Europe. I'm thankful for all the people I met there. Here's some pics

I'm thankful to be in the UMSL Museum Studies program, I already thanked my cohort but just the opportunity is amazing. I'm thankful I get to work at Campbell House. I'm thankful I got to go to Philadelphia last year for the AAM annual conference -
I'm thankful for Captain Horace Bixby, who built the house that inspired me to go into historic preservation. I'm thankful for Tom Keay who encouraged me to visit Campbell House, which I fell in love with, interned at for 3 summers, and has eventually led me here.
I'm thankful I got to spend a summer in Natchez and meet the amazing people I did down there. I already thanked my friends but just the opportunity was wonderful!
And I"m thankful for all the professors that inspired me to get here. Professors like my mom who always encouraged me (yeah I say professor cause she taught at Wash U for almost 20 years), Dr. Reynolds who first mentioned historic preservation to me, Jay Rounds, Dr. Lankford who's so excited about my exit project. And of course, last but MOST DEFINITELY AND CERTAINLY NOT LEAST, Francis and Penelope Warner -
God I miss them!
That's "Thanks for the Memories" for Wednesday 11/25! Now I"m going to write the official "Thanksgiving" Thanks for the memories!
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