Friday, May 7, 2010

Life is a balance

It's amazing how balanced my big ups and downs seem to have been lately. So many times, when something I had really wanted ends up saying no, something else comes along that either says yes or indicates closer to a yes. One more sign that someone out there is looking out for me.

So I talked about my big news with "the race" yesterday. I've said some stuff on here about Rosalie before, the antebellum house with the manager position where I'd live behind the place. Just talked to the president of the board there. I didn't get it. Essentially they didn't think I was qualified for it. But that's OK. Cause I'm still running the race for something else and there's just me and 9 other runners left. And I was told that I had the best "form" of a runner that they'd seen, or one of the best... use the metaphor... Rosalie has offered me a summer hostessing job. I'd be giving tours on the weekends and helping the museum with anything they needed. Basically exactly what I do with Eugene Field House already, except I'd get paid minimum wage.

Here's the kicker on Rosalie though. It's not that I "wasn't qualified", cause the idea of running the house basically on my own did scare me. But I don't think they really looked at my resume. First off, she said "Well you're just graduating from college". Technically yeah, I am graduating. But WITH MY MASTERS. I'm not some untested undergrad with no real world experience! The other thing, and actually worse thing, is that they seemed to think that I've only worked with big federal museums and the National Park Service. She said that the summer hostessing job would give me a chance to see how a small house museum works because it's very different from the NPS, they have 2 gardners and they do everything themselves, 1 housekeeper and she does everything herself, etc. Yeah. I've seen how small historic house museums work. It's called 5 years at Campbell House Museum with 1-2 staff persons, interns, and volunteers. They don't even have a housekeeper. A board member comes in and cleans the place. Oh, it's also called Eugene Field House, where they have 3 paid staff members, 1-2 interns, and volunteers. It's all RIGHT THERE on my resume. And in my cover letter.

I'm not TOO upset. At least not as upset as I'd thought I would be. I kinda figured that was the case since I sent my stuff in over a month ago and hadn't heard anything. Plus I know that at least somewhere likes what I have thanks to my news yesterday. And I'm sending my stuff in for the job that Jay sent me. But still. Seriously? SERIOUSLY?

At least this is balanced out by yesterday.

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