Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Now or never

I'm posting from my blackberry so if things don't always make sense or there's mistakes that's why. Time to post my plan.

First off, my good news. I have a phone interview Thursday! Its with a job in MI that I applied to before I left for Natchez, same one I had the preinterview with! Plus its with the guy who graduated from UMSL and worked at the museum I was at for 5 years!

Second, more good news. The org here with the job I found out about at book club is definitely interested! At least, the President of the org is in my corner. I dunno bout the committee or the rest of the board. But signs are good there! Nothings set in stone, it could easily get ripped out from under me like Galveston. But signs are good!

Now for my plan. I have these two amazing leads. But, nothing is even close to set in sstone. Rosalie has said I could stay and finish the inventory project. I could also keep hostessing there. Plus today I was told that, while Melrose can't give me an absolute guarantee, they definitely need to fill the STEP pos they now have open, so if I want to figure out registering for classes somewhere, go ahead and do that and plan, for now, to work at Melrose. That could suddenly change but the chief of interp doesn't think it will, though he couldn't make any promises. They also know that I will be looking for a full time job while a STEP student and if one came up, I would leave - as the chief said, he wouldn't hire someone without initiative.

So one option is, once this internship is over, I could stay in natchez, finish rosalie, and be a STEP student till I know for sure bout full time jobs, or till December. My other option is to go back to STL, work retail, and volunteer at the same museums I've been at for years. I know that if I take option 2, I will kick myself constantly. I will also be miserable bvecause I missed an opportunity, thus making my roomie, my friends, and ESPECIALLY my family miserable too. I don't want to do that. And I need to get my foot in the door - if these full time jobs don't work out, at lease the natchez option would let me get my pinkie toe in the door.

So I am currently planning to stay in Natchez. I'm not making formal plans (ie registering for classes, finding an apt) until I have my interview Thurs and get a vetter timeline on the MI job. If they'll hire by september and I get an in person interview, I may not stay. But I kinda doubt that, I bet that propcess will go till bout October 1. I will be looking for a furnished apt here for 2-4 mos (if the full time job here works out, ill rent an apt and move down here, but I'm not moving all my stuff and sure not signing a lease for just thro Dec). If these FT jobs don't work, I will reevaluate in Dec, when my lease in STL is up. But that's the plan for now!

Don't worry, I won't be gone from you forever! Ill come back to STL to visit - if nothing else, I have to come back in Aug to get some more stuff! And thanks to the wonders of modern tech, you can still keep in touch with me - and I do expect you to!

I love everyone in STL. You're all absolutely amazing. But I can't turn down this opportunity, just to come home and wait for my shot. I need to take a chance and see where God is leading me, starting with a temp stay in natchez.

ill keep you updated as things develop!

Thanks for everything! I love you all!

Love and still missing you,

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